The distance between reality and your dream is called “action”
I will provide spiritual or practical advice to help resolve the issues you are facing and guide your life in a better direction.
About Brian Schider
Brian Schider began demonstrating his psychic abilities from a young age. Even as a child, he would comfort those nearing death and sometimes predict natural disasters, which often surprised his mother. Quietly, without seeking attention, he contributed to rescue efforts and aided in the search for missing persons.
As an experienced and compassionate psychic, Brian empowers others to explore their own spiritual paths, offering wisdom and practical tools for personal growth. He also works as a medium, facilitating connections with the spiritual realm and delivering messages and words of comfort from spirits.
In the field of DNA activation, Brian stands out as an activator, helping individuals unlock their hidden potential and promote personal spiritual growth. His expertise spans various spiritual disciplines, catering to the unique needs of those on their spiritual journeys.
As an energy healer, Brian specializes in balancing and harmonizing the body’s energy systems, supporting holistic health. Dedicated to assisting others in their spiritual awakening, Brian serves as a guiding light, leading individuals toward self-discovery and a deeper connection with the divine.
Welcome to the official website of Brian Schider, dedicated to personal growth and spiritual exploration. This space offers insights, resources, and support for individuals seeking self-discovery, empowerment, and a deeper understanding of spirituality. Brian Schider, a passionate advocate for personal growth, provides a compassionate approach to help unlock your true potential.
Welcome, and may your journey be filled with transformation and profound insights.
With warm regards, Brian Schider
心を込めて ・・・ブライアン・シャイダー

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Unlocking a person's full potential encompasses a wide range of aspects, including personal growth, self-discovery, and the development of various abilities. While psychic abilities are a topic that sparks curiosity and fascination, it's important to approach this subject with an open mind and an understanding that individual experiences may vary. Here's a perspective on unlocking one's full potential, which includes exploring psychic abilities:
1.Self-Awareness and Personal Growth: Unlocking your full potential begins with self-awareness. By embarking on a journey of self-discovery, you can delve deep into understanding your strengths, weaknesses, passions, and desires. This process often involves introspection, reflection, and self-refinement, allowing you to align your actions and choices with your authentic self.
自己認識と個人の成長: 自分の潜在能力を最大限に引き出すためには、まず自己認識から始めることが重要です。自己発見の旅に出ることで、自分の強み、弱み、情熱、欲望を深く理解することができます。このプロセスは、内省や自己反省、そして自己改善を伴い、自分の行動や選択を本当の自分に合わせることができるようになります。
2. Expanding Consciousness: Developing one's full potential often involves expanding consciousness beyond the ordinary. This can mean exploring different states of awareness through practices like meditation, mindfulness, or other contemplative techniques. By quieting the mind, individuals may tap into deeper levels of intuition, insight, and connection with the world around them.
意識の拡張: 潜在能力を最大限に発揮するためには、日常の意識を超えて意識を拡張することが求められることがあります。これは、瞑想やマインドフルネス、その他の瞑想的な技法を通じて、さまざまな意識状態を探求することを意味します。心を静めることで、より深い直感や洞察、そして周囲の世界との繋がりにアクセスできるようになるかもしれません。
3. Intuition and Psychic Abilities: Psychic abilities, such as intuition, clairvoyance, or telepathy, are areas of interest for many. While scientific research on psychic phenomena is ongoing, some individuals report experiences that suggest the presence of these abilities. Unlocking one's psychic potential involves honing and trusting their intuition, deepening their connection to subtle energies, and exploring methods like divination or energy healing practices.
直感と霊的能力: 直感、透視、テレパシーなどの霊的能力は、多くの人々にとって興味深い領域です。霊的現象に関する科学的研究はまだ進行中ですが、これらの能力の存在を示唆するような経験を報告する人もいます。霊的な潜在能力を引き出すためには、自分の直感を磨き、それを信頼すること、微細なエネルギーとの繋がりを深めること、占いやエネルギーヒーリングのような方法を探求することが含まれます。
4. Mind-Body Connection: Developing your full potential requires recognizing and nurturing the mind-body connection. Practices like yoga, tai chi, or breathwork can help individuals cultivate a harmonious relationship between their mental and physical states. By fostering a balanced mind-body connection, individuals can enhance their overall well-being and optimize their abilities, including psychic potential.
心と体の繋がり: 自分の潜在能力を最大限に引き出すためには、心身の繋がりを認識し、育むことが重要です。ヨガ、太極拳、呼吸法などの実践は、心と体の調和した関係を培うのに役立ちます。心身のバランスが取れた状態を促進することで、全体的な健康を向上させ、霊的な潜在能力を含むさまざまな能力を最適化することが可能になります。
5. Continuous Learning and Growth: Unlocking your full potential is an ongoing process that requires a thirst for knowledge and a commitment to growth. Engaging in lifelong learning, pursuing new experiences, and embracing challenges can expand your horizons and unlock hidden potentials within you. Embracing a growth mindset allows for personal evolution and the discovery of previously untapped abilities.
継続的な学びと成長: 自分の潜在能力を最大限に引き出すためには、知識への渇望と成長へのコミットメントが必要です。生涯学習に取り組み、新しい経験を追求し、挑戦を受け入れることで、自分の視野を広げ、内に秘められた可能性を開花させることができます。成長志向を持つことで、個人的な進化が促進され、これまで未開拓だった能力を発見することができるでしょう。
Harmony - 和 :
Experience the balance of mind, body, and spirit, guiding you towards a life of serenity.
Peace of Mind
- 心の安らぎ:
Embark on a journey to inner peace and tranquility, embracing a calm and centered mind.
Healing - 癒し:
Focused on emotional and spiritual healing, providing a sanctuary for your well-being.
Aligning Energy
- 気を整える:
Explore practices and products that harmonize your energy, fostering vitality and alignment.
- 新たな自己発見:
Encourage personal growth and self-discovery, unlocking your potential.
Nature whispers a divine symphony in leaves and sunlight, a humble teacher revealing profound truths in a flower's bloom. Its simplicity, an intelligent guide, invites us into life's dance. In wilderness, an unspoken conversation—earth, spirit, communion. Nature, a sacred journey, humbly reminding us of our place in existence.
- Brian Schider
- ブライアン・シャイダー
As an experienced life coach and mentor, Brian has touched the lives of countless individuals, guiding them on their paths to self-discovery and empowerment. Through his empathetic nature and deep understanding of human psychology, he creates a safe and supportive space for personal exploration, helping his clients overcome obstacles and unlock their true potential.
Motivated by a belief in the transformative power of compassion and personal growth, Brian inspires authentic living, pursuit of dreams, and a purposeful, joyful life. His positive energy, enthusiasm, and unwavering support earn deep respect from those he guides. Beyond a life coach, Brian is a catalyst for positive change, a mentor unlocking true potential, and a compassionate advocate for a happier world. His impact continues to inspire and uplift, leaving an indelible mark on those fortunate enough to cross paths with him.
The Elysian Arborea silver pendant is a beautiful fusion of elegance and symbolism. Crafted to resemble a bonsai tree with delicate cherry blossoms, this pendant represents the beauty, renewal, and fleeting nature of life. As a Tree of Life, it embodies interconnectedness, growth, and the cycle of existence.
Wearing this pendant is a reminder of nature’s harmony—a connection between heaven and earth, and the continuous renewal of life. It’s not just a piece of jewelry, but a symbol of balance and spiritual unity, capturing the essence of the natural world in a timeless, wearable form.
Brian Schider セッションお申し込み・お問い合わせ
出版物 Publications
* アネモネでは、占いや学問・分析などによる見通しを「予測」、高次存在からのチャネルメッセージ(オラクル、神託)を「預 言」としています。また、予め祝うことで、量子場から望ましい状況を現象化させる意識の使い方を「予祝」といいます
この宇宙で絶対的に決まっていることは、ただひとつ。それは、“ 宇宙は変わり続けている”ということです。
では、何のために予測情報を得るのでしょうか。それは、光の未来を創造する指針にするため。もっと突き詰めれば、光の“ いま”を選択するためにあるのです。今回の特集は、多くの覚者・識者から予測・預言をいただくとともに、

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